高级程序员,研究生导师,博士毕业于华南理工大学工商管理学院,2019年进入广东财经大学工作。近5年内,以第一作者在国际公认的TOP期刊发表论文3篇,若干国际TOP期刊(包括FT50、UDT24)论文目前已录用或者返修。近7年内,在国内外相关领域的SCI、SSCI或CSSCI权威期刊发表学术论文20多篇。近年主持或主研包括国家自然科学基金创新群体、重点、面上、社科一般课题和省部级课题多项,参加国际国内学术会议10多次。为系统工程学报,IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning System,Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,EJOR,IRFA,IRFE等高水平期刊的匿名审稿人。
1. 2023.01-2025.12.广东省自然科学基金面上(2023A1515011490),基于神经网络技术的保险风险破产概率的计算与预测研究,10万,主持。
2.2023.08-2026.07 广东哲学社会科学规划项目(GD23XYJ13),产业数字金融推动粤港澳大湾区实体经济高质量发展的模式、作用机理和对策研究,主持。
3. 2018.01-2023.12,国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(71721001) 金融创新、资源配置与风险管理,735 万元,主研。
4. 2018.01-2022.12.国家自然科学基金重点项目(71731006).分级医疗体制下的我国医疗资源优化与服务运作管理研究.245万,主研;
5. 2022.09-2025.08,国家社科基金项目一般项目(22BTJ057).多源异构数据下基于深度聚类集成的供应链金融风险预警研究,20万,参与。
1. Tao Zhou(周涛),et. A Novel Numerical Method for Ruin Probability of Erlang(n) Risk Model Based on Improved Optimal Trigonometric ELM Algorithm. IEEE Transaction on Neural Networks and Learning System.2024(第一作者+通讯作者,中科院1区,国际TOP期刊,SCI期刊,IF:17.730)
2. Tao Zhou(周涛),.et. .Does unconventional monetary policy improve credit support for the industry chain? The mechanism of trade credit.International Review of Economics and Finance.2023(第一作者,中科院2区,SSCI期刊,IF:4.0)
3. Tao Zhou*(周涛),et. Prediction of Ruin Probability Based on Erland(n) Risk Model under Optimal Neural Network Structure.Joural of Network and Computer Applications.2024(第一作者+通讯作者,中科院2区,国际TOP期刊,SCI期刊,IF:8.7)
4. Tianle Zhang, Tao Zhou*,(周涛)Zhaode Liu,et. Land-use classification via ensemble dropout information discriminative extreme learning machine based on deep convolution feature. Computer Science and Information Systems.2020 (6) : 211-236(通讯作者,中科院4区. SCI期刊. IF:0.89.)
5. Tao Zhou*(周涛), Chunhui Liu.et.Numerical Solution for Ruin Probability of Continuous Time Model Based on Neural Network Algorithm.Neurocomputing.2019.(第一作者+通讯作者,中科院2区,国际TOP期刊,SCI、SSCI期刊, IF:6.0)
6. Tao Zhou*(周涛), et..Existence of multiple breathers for discrete tence of multiple breathers for discrete, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2019, Vol. 2019 (2019), No. 27, pp. 1–12.ISSN: 1072-6691.(第一作者,中科院2 区,SCI期刊,IF:0954.)
7. Tao Zhou*(周涛),et., Existence of solutions to boundary value problems for a class of difference systems. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 2018; 19(5)(第一作者+通讯作者,中科院3区,SCI期刊,IF:0.89)
8. Tao Zhou*(周涛), et..Forecasting stock index with multi-objective optimization model based on optimized neural network architecture avoiding overfitting. Computer Science and Information Systems 2018 Volume 15,Issue1,Pages:211-236.(第一作者+通讯作者,中科院4区. SCI期刊. IF:0.89.)
9. Tao Zhou(周涛),et.. Existence of solutions to boundary value problems for a higher-dimensional difference system. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications. 2017,Volume 10, Issue 10, pp 5576--5584.(第一作者; JCR 1区,中科院2区SCI 期刊,IF:1.34.)
10. Xia Liu*,Tao Zhou(周涛), et.. Existence of homoclinic orbits for a higher order difference system. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications.Volume 10(4), 1842-1853, 2017(中科院2区,SCI期刊,IF:1.34.)。
11. Xia Liu*,Tao Zhou(周涛), et. Multiplicity of ground state solutions for the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations with unbounded potentials. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 2017(38), 1-9.(中科院2区,SCI期刊,IF:0.954.)
12. Xia Liu*,Tao Zhou(周涛), et. Existence of periodic solutions with minimal period for fourth-order nonlinear difference equations. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.Volume 2018, Article ID 4376156, 7 pages.(中科院3区,SCI期刊;IF:2.233)
13. Xia Liu,Tao Zhou(周涛), et. Existence of homoclinic orbits for a class of nonlinear functional difference equations.Electronic Journal of Differential Equations.(中科院2区,JCR2区,SCI期刊,IF 0.954.)
14. Xia Liu,Tao Zhou(周涛),Periodic Solutions with Minimal Period for Fourth-Order Nonlinear Difference Equations,Volume 2018, (中科院3区,SCI期刊;IF:2.233)
15. Xia Liu*,Tao Zhou(周涛),Existence of periodic solutions with prescribed minimal period of a 2nth-order discrete system.Open Mathematics(中科院4区,SCI期刊;IF:1.7)
Xia Liu,Tao Zhou(周涛),Boundary value problems of a discrete generalized beam equation via variational methods.Open Mathematics(中科院4区,SCI期刊;IF:1.7)