管理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事服务营销、旅游企业管理、组织行为和人力资源管理等领域的教学及科研工作。主持国家、省部级科研课题3项,参与国家和省部级科研课题10余项。在南开管理评论、旅游学刊、经济管理、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Journal of Services Marketing、Tourism Management Perspective、Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management等国内外知名学术刊物发表论文30余篇,出版教材和专著2部。
2004-09至2008-06 哈尔滨理工大学工商管理专业,获管理学学士
2008-09至2010-06 中山大学企业管理专业,获管理学硕士
2011-09至2014-06 中山大学旅游管理专业,获管理学博士
1. 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目青年项目. 共创还是共毁?服务机器人运用对员工价值创造的双刃剑效应研究(GD23YGL11),主持,在研
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目. 共创还是共毁?价值毁灭行为的结构、形成及缓冲机制研究(71802052),主持,结题
3. 广东省自然科学基金项目博士科研启动项目.客户知识分享的影响因素与作用研究——以高接触服务行业为例(2014A030310317),主持,结题
1. Guan X, Gong J, Li M, et al. Exploring key factors influencing customer behavioral intention in robot restaurants. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2022, 34(9): 3482-3501.
2. Guan X, Gong J, Liu Q, et al. Constructing a value co-destruction behavior scale in business-to-customer service context. The Service Industries Journal. 2022: 1-21.
3. Guan X, Gong J, Huan T. Trick or treat! How to reduce co-destruction behavior in tourism workplace based on conservation of resources theory?. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2022, 52: 42-49.
4. Guan X, Liu Q, Nie Z, et al. An eye for an eye? Exploring the influence of tourist mistreatment on employee service rule commitment. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2022, 51: 229-237.
5. Guan X, Xie L, Shen W, et al. Are you a tech-savvy person? Exploring factors influencing customers using self-service technology. Technology in Society. 2021, 65: 101564.
6. Guan X, Peng J, Huan T. A study on the influencing factors of value co-destruction behavior in tourism interaction from the perspective of customer subjective fitting. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. 2021, 38(7): 742-757.
7. Guan X, Gong J, Xie L, et al. Scale development of value co-destruction behavior in tourism. Tourism Management Perspectives. 2020, 36: 100757.
8. Guan X, Yeh S, Chiang T, et al. Does organizational inducement foster work engagement in hospitality industry? Perspectives from a moderated mediation model. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2020, 43: 259-268.
9. 关新华,谢礼珊. 价值共毁:内涵、研究议题与展望. 南开管理评论,2019, 22(6): 88-98.
10. Guan X, Huan T. Talent management for the proactive behavior of tour guides. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 2019, 31(10): 4043-4061.
11. Li Y, Xie L, Gao T, Guan X#. Does being beautiful always help?Contingency effects of physical attractiveness of the service providers on customer response. Journal of Services Marketing. 2019, 33(3): 356-368.
12. Guan X, Xie L, Huan T. Customer knowledge sharing, creativity and value co-creation: A triad model of hotels, corporate sales employees and their customers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2018, 30(2):961-979.
13. 关新华,谢礼珊,田金梅. 酒店员工创造力的影响因素研究:客户知识分享的作用. 旅游学刊, 2017, 32(8): 59-69.
14. 关新华,谢礼珊,皮平凡. 负面报道对旅游目的地的影响及信任修复研究. 经济管理, 2017(8): 146-158.
15. 关新华,谢礼珊. 顾客知识创造能力对服务创新的影响——基于团队深层特征的实证研究. 经济管理, 2016, 38(8): 109-119.
16. 关新华. 感知服务氛围对酒店员工适应性行为的影响研究——自主性动机和顾客需求知识的中介作用.旅游科学,2018,32(3):13-26.
17. 关新华,李健仪,谢礼珊. 旅游公共服务质量对旅游目的地形象的影响. 旅游科学, 2015, 29(5): 27-38.
18. Guan X, Xie L, Zhu T. The double value of customer interactivity: the mediation effect of knowledge exchange quality. Journal of Contemporary Marketing Science. 2020, 3(1): 99-112.
19. 关新华,谢礼珊. 顾客互动的双重价值:知识交换质量的中介作用. 营销科学学报, 2017, 13(1): 55-66.
20. 关新华,黎耀奇.顾客哪种沟通风格更能促进知识分享?兼论对分享者的价值.南大商学评论, 2017,14(3):134-151.
21. 关新华. 酒店员工与顾客共同创造关系价值的过程研究.旅游论坛, 201811(6): 22-33.
22. 关新华,王雅君. 导游主动行为的影响因素和过程研究——基于导游自身和游客的视角. 旅游论坛. 2020, 13(02): 28-38.
23. 关新华,李健仪,谢礼珊. 旅游公共服务质量的提升:游客导向和创新导向的驱动作用. 旅游导刊. 2020, 4(1): 45-62.
24. 关新华, 龚金红. 关系能量对员工创新行为的影响机制研究. 服务科学和管理, 2020, 9(1): 15-25.
25. 关新华,谢礼珊,皮平凡. 服务主导逻辑的内涵与理论渊源探究. 服务科学和管理, 2017, 6(1): 48-61.
26. 谢礼珊,关新华#,Catherine Mercier-Suissa. 个体与组织情景因素对旅游服务提供商员工创新行为的影响. 旅游学刊,2015,30(2):79-89.
27. 黎耀奇,翁钰宁,潘敏敏,关新华#. 基于资源保存理论的旅游职业污名影响研究[J]. 旅游学刊. 2021, 36(5): 93-104.
28. 黎耀奇,关新华#. 从人-品牌关系到人-地关系:自我目的地联结. 旅游学刊,2015,30(9):52-62.
29. 谢礼珊,关新华#,朱翊敏. 服务导向和顾客价值共创对一线员工顾客需求知识的影响. 营销科学学报,2015,11(1):85-100.
30. 谢礼珊,赵强生,关新华#. 服务一线员工创新行为:企业互动导向和顾客价值共创的驱动作用. 中山大学学报(社会科学版),2017(02): 200-210.
31. Xie L, Guan X, Huan T. A case study of hotel frontline employees' customer need knowledge relating to value co-creation. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2019, 39: 76-86.
32. Xie L, Guan X, Linc X, et al. Triad collaboration of hotel employers, employees and customers for service innovation in a changing world. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management. 2020, 44: 10-18.
33. 李健仪,谢礼珊,关新华. 旅游公共服务质量量表的设计与检验. 旅游学刊,2016, 31(11): 117-127.
34. 黄桂,付春光,关新华. 组织中领导沉默维度的建构与测量. 管理世界, 2015(7): 122-129.
1. 关新华,谢礼珊. 价值共创视角下的客户知识分享行为:前置和后置因素研究[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2017.
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